Wednesday, April 24, 2013

10 Things to do in 10 Days!

Family Teams! There are only 10 days till March for Babies 2013! I can’t believe we are almost there. Whether you are a veteran team or a team that joined last week, you have all done such an amazing job so far! Since we only have 10 days left, here is a list of 10 things you can do in the next 10 days:

1)      Sell Butterflies! I know we push butterflies a lot, but they are such an amazing gift. Not only do they honor a child, but also, all the proceeds from your butterfly sales can easily go to your team. This is one of the only fundraising methods where your donors can give to your team and get a gift in return! Your team can also walk with the butterflies as a representation of who you all are walking for.  The last day to purchase a butterfly is Friday, April 26th.

a.       How do you purchase a butterfly?

·   Donate a minimum of $25 per butterfly.

·   Email with the child's name and/or birthdate, weeks gestation, and the color of butterfly that you wish to be displayed. The subject of the message should be Attn: Butterfly.

·   If you or your donors would like the butterfly donation to go towards a specific team's overall goal, in the email, please indicate Your Name, and the Team Name along with the details listed in #3.


Butterfly Colors:
Purple- Healthy Baby
Yellow- Baby born with a birth defect
Green- Baby born prematurely
White- In memory of a baby


2)      Text to Give! Text the word BABY to 20222 to make a $10 donation to March for Babies. Show your support of the March of bringing your cell phone to the walk on May 4th and during the event text Baby to 20222. No need to wait until May 4th, though! You can ask your friends and family to donate right now!


3)      Send an Email Blast! Emails are one of the best ways to reach out to your friends and family, remind them why you are walking this year and ask for their support. This is a great opportunity to update them on what you have been doing to reach your goal and how close you are to that goal. Attach pictures of your team to get people excited!


4)      Come to a Bank Day! The March of Dimes – Austin is hosting two Bank Days on Tuesday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 1 from 10-6pm. Bank Days give you the opportunity to turn in any money that you have raised from family, friends, or team fundraising events. This is also the only scheduled opportunity you will have to pick up your team's incentive t-shirts, and pick up your butterflies.
     Bank Days will be held at:

March of Dimes Office

11044 Research Blvd.


Austin, TX 78759


Donations may also be turned in at the walk at the Registration Tent.


5)      Ask your Facebook friends! A few of our March of Dimes staff members posted the link to their team page to their Facebook profiles saying things like “I am $150 dollars away from my March for Babies goal. If only 150 of my 500 Facebook friends donate $1 to my March for Babies campaign, I will be able to reach my goal! Please consider supporting the March of Dimes.” You will be surprised by the response you will get!


6)      Post a countdown to social media! Whether you use Facebook or Twitter, count down the next 10 days leading up to the walk on May 4th. It’s a great way to inform people about March of Dimes, get your team members pumped about the walk, and do some final fundraising!


7)      Fill a coin box! Check your car, home, and work desk for loose change and put it in a coin box. You can also put children in your life in charge of filling a coin box. It is a wonderful way for them to be involved and learn the value of working towards helping others!


8)       Host a bake sale! Don’t be discouraged by the chilly or rainy weather. Ask local businesses or schools if you can host bake sales in their lobbies to help you reach your March for Babies goal in the next 10 days. Check out our Facebook page to learn about Riley, from team Celebrate Jett, who raised over $200 with a bake sale!


9)      Communicate with your team members! Thank them for being a part of your team this year and supporting you. Coming together to talk about why your walking or your 10 days strategy will really bond your team together and get everyone excited about walking on May 4th!


10)   Make sure you have everything for walk day! If you are bringing a tent, remember that you MUST have it set up Friday, May 3rd, between 9AM and 5PM. If you are making deliveries (food, drinks, games, etc.) this must be done before 7AM on Saturday, May 4th. If you are making a delivery you will need a delivery pass. If you have not done so, please email with your name and address so we can mail your pass to you this week. Also, if you will be bringing a Propane BBQ, please contact Katerina Kormas at or 512-568-3443 for special instructions.


There’s probably more you can do this week, but these 10 things should keep you and your family team busy for the next 10 days! As always, keep up the great work, family teams. Check back here next week for information on the walk schedule, parking, food, games and more!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

17 Days till March for Babies 2013!

March for Babies - Austin is only 17 days away!

Can you believe it’s coming up so soon? I want to take a moment to thank you all so much for all your support of this year's event. Since the event is fast approaching, today’s blog post will be about important reminders and logistics before walk day!

Your Reward for Helping Babies

We all know the real reward is knowing that you are helping babies, but below are some gifts, which are our way to say thank you for your efforts.

$200: March for Babies T-shirt

$350: $15 gift card* and T-shirt

$500: $25 gift card* and T-shirt

$1,000: $50 gift card* and T-shirt

$2,500: $125 gift card* and T-shirt

$5,000: $250 gift card* and T-shirt

$10,000: $500 gift card* and T-shirt

$20,000: $600 gift card* and T-shirt

In honor of our 75th anniversary, fundraising totals of $750 or more will earn you a commemorative pin in addition to a gift card and T-shirt. Raise $7,500 or more and receive a writing pen and pin in addition to a gift card and T-shirt.

*You may choose a Macy's or Kmart gift card, or decline your gift card allowing the funds to help advance the March of Dimes mission.


Would you like to have a tent at March for Babies? Many teams gather together with family and friends before and after the walk for food and fun. You can rent a tent for your team to gather under from Adam’s Canopy, the tent company we use, or bring your own tent. Either way, if you would like a tent (or space for your own) at Auditorium Shores that day, please contact Katerina Kormas at kkormas@marchofdimes.comfor more information.

Deadline for ordering tents is TODAY, Wednesday, April 17th.

Bank Days

March of Dimes will host two Bank Days on Tuesday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 1 from 10-6pm. Bank Days give you the opportunity to turn in any money that you have raised from family, friends, or team fundraising events. This is also the only scheduled opportunity you will have to pick up your team's incentive t-shirts, and pick up your butterflies.

Bank Days will be held at:

March of Dimes Office

11044 Research Blvd.


Austin, TX 78759

March for Babies Butterflies

Last week we talked about honoring a baby in your life by purchasing a March for Babies Butterfly. Butterflies can be purchased for a minimum donation of $25. Each butterfly will have one child’s name and birthdate printed on it. Butterflies can be carried by team members during the walk. Visit to purchase your butterfly. (Butterflies can only be purchased via above link or contact Katerina Kormas at for an order form). Teams will get credit for each butterfly sold. Butterflies can be picked up at Bank Days on April 30 and May 1 from 10-6pm or at the Product Sales tent at the event.

Matching Gifts

It is easy to double your fundraising totals. Encourage your
donors to check with their employers to see if they have a matching gift
policy. This is an easy way to raise more money!

Lastly, here are the Top 10 Family Teams for this week!
Team Sawyer & Tristan
Cater the Great
Celebrate Jett
- Preemie Power -
Austin Mothers of Multiples(AMOM)
Two Boys and a Little Lady
Camille's Crew
Give with Grace
Jackie's Peeps
The Ignal Twins

We are less than a month away from March for Babies 2013. We can do it Family Teams! Check back here for more updates on the walk on May 4th. We will include information on the event day schedule, parking, tent set-up, park restrictions, entertainment and other reminders. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on May 4th! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Butterflies for Babies!

If you've walked with us in the past, you may remember our the Butterfly Garden in honor of the children who have affected our lives. This year we're doing things a little differently by offering beautiful butterfly signs to be carried by your team at the walk. They are also great for family and friends who want to display them in the yard!

What are they benefits of buying a butterfly?
  • Each butterfly sign is a beautiful way to honor any special child in your life.
  • A butterfly purchase can be credited to your team, so it is a great gift for people who support your team.
  • These great butterfly signs can be carried by team members during the walk to remind everyone who they are walking for.

Honor a special baby in your life by purchasing a Butterfly to be carried by your team at the walk. This is a great way to honor ALL babies....those born healthy, prematurely, with a birth defect, and those who have passed away

Butterflies can be purchased for a minimum donation of $25.00/butterfly. Each butterfly will have a baby's name and birthday printed on it. Butterflies can be picked up at the March of Dimes office on April 30 or May 1 or picked up at the Product Sales tent at the walk.

How do you purchase a butterfly?
  1. Visit 
  2. Donate a minimum of $25 per butterfly.
  3. Email with the child's name and/or birthdate, weeks gestation, and the color of butterfly that you wish to be displayed. The subject of the message should be Attn: Butterfly.
  4. If you or your donors would like the butterfly donation to go towards a specific team's overall goal, in the email, please indicate Your Name, and the Team Name along with the details listed in #3.
Butterfly Colors:
Purple- Healthy Baby
Yellow- Baby born with a birth defect
Green- Baby born prematurely
White- In memory of a baby

Encouraging team members, friends, and family to purchase a butterfly is a great way to reach your team goal, and thank your donors. They are also a wonderful celebrate babies at the walk! Please email or visit if you have any questions.

Also, congratulations to Emily and Justin Barclay from team Might Max Barclay for winning our incentive to walkers to raise over $50 in one week! We will be emailing you about your prize very soon!