Monday, March 4, 2013

Where does the money go?

If you’re part of an Austin family team, the March of Dimes mission may have impacted your life in one way or another. This year, Austin’s overall goal for March for Babies is $1 million. You may be asking yourself, where does that money go? Well, today on the Austin Family Teams blog, we’re going to discover where exactly the money goes!
First, we need to understand the severity of prematurity in Texas. In an average week in Texas 7,723 babies are born, 1,001 of those babies are born premature. That means 1 out of 8 babies is born premature each year in Texas. Prematurity is the leading cause of death before the age of one and birth defects are the leading cause of infant death. This is a real problem in Texas and more than $26.2 billion annually is spent on medical costs, education and lost productivity due to prematurity.
The March of Dimes mission is to prevent premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality. Through research and grants we have been able to find cures and prevention for many birth defects. Along with research, the March of Dimes also provides funding and support for a variety of signature prenatal education programs that have been shown to improve birth outcomes among participants. Learn about some of these programs below:
Becoming a Mom/Comenzando bien
This program was created specifically to provide information that is culturally sensitive and relevant for Hispanic women and designed to improve participants’ chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.  
Centering includes health care assessment, education, and support, provided in a group setting facilitated by a credentialed health care provider.
Honey Child
Honey Child is a faith-based prenatal education program providing African-American women with information and support to have the healthiest possible pregnancy.
These programs are just the tip of the iceberg of what the March of Dimes does to lower the prematurity rate in Texas, and across the nation. Feel free to share information on where the money goes along to your family and friends to inspire them in supporting your team!
Check back next week for more tips on fundraising and incentivizing your walkers! In the meantime, comment below to tell us how March of Dimes programs have affected your life!

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