Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Thank you, Family Teams!


We did it! We made it through March for Babies 2013!

Thank you for another successful year at March for Babies, Family Teams. I hope you were all able to make it out to the park to walk in the beautiful weather, enjoy some free treats, and celebrate! We had the pleasure of meeting some of the wonderful family teams at the tent this year and hope you all enjoyed the day as much as we did.

Our Ambassador Family, the McSpaddens!

If you haven't reached your goal yet, remember, it's not too late! Money for your team can be turned in up to June 30, 2013.  A great way to make those final dollars is to send a follow up email to your friends and family. Tell them about your experience at March for Babies, include pictures from your day, and let them know that how close you are to reaching your goal! Anyone who may have missed the pre-walk deadline will love to hear about your experience and will be reminded to support your team!

Family Teams on the route!

After being a college intern for Austin Family Teams for two years, I have to say, Austin has the best teams I could have ever asked to work with. You are all so dedicated to the mission and are continuously fighting for a healthier tomorrow for babies across the nation. Your dedication, spirit, creativity and kindness make working for the March of Dimes incredibly worthwhile. I hope you all know that your hard work does not go unnoticed!

March of Dimes Austin loves our Austin Family Teams!

If you have any questions, concerns or comments concerning the walk, please do not hesitate to myself or Katerina at the March of Dimes office at or!


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